Digital Impetus

Facebook for Business Promotion and Advertising

If you want to promote your business on social media, Facebook to help your business grow. Facebook’s advertising strategy can become an important part of your business marketing campaign.

Facebook adverts,you can create targeted adverts to reach different audiences and meet your business goals.facebook to connet with what matter to them,and more than 900 million visit every day.when you run a Facebook advert,you choose the audience that see it by location,age,intrests and more.

Checklist to a Successful Facebook Campaign

If you’re planning a Facebook campaign and want to make sure you have everything in place before you go live, here’s checklist that covers everything important. Can you tick all boxes below you’re ready to start advertising.

Proper preparation increases the chance of a successful Facebook campaign.

Ad Design and Content

  • Define your unique selling points
  • Choose image(s)
  • Write title(s)
  • Write body text(s)
  • Make several ad combinations


  • Define age groups to target
  • Define where your target group is located
  • Define interests of the target group

Ad Formats

  • Decide which ad type to use
  • Make a combination

Advertising Budget

  • Set a budget
  • Choose a bidding strategy
  • Choose a cost model
  • Ad Design and Content(Choosing a Facebook Campaign Objective)

Here’s a full list of the different campaign objectives Facebook gives you to choose from

  • Page Post Engagement: Promote your Page posts
  • Page Likes: Get Page likes to grow your audience and guild your brand
  • Clicks to Websites: Get people to visit your website
  • Website Conversions: Get people to perform certain actions on your site (requires adding a Facebook pixel to your site)
  • App Installs: Get people to install your mobile or desktop app
  • App Engagement: Get people to use your desktop app
  • Event Responses: Increase attendance at your event
  • Offer Claims: Create offers for people to redeem in your

Select Clicks to Website and enter the web page address that you want people to visit.

Choose your home page, a product page or even your online store – you decide where your customers arrive when they click or tap on your Facebook advert.

1.Segmentation(Choose your audience)

With any Facebook advert, you can choose the audiences you want to reach. Just complete the fields to select your audience by location, age, gender, interests and more.

2.Ad Formats(Choosing Your Campaign )

3.Advertising Budget(Set your budget and schedule)

After you’ve chosen an audience, you can create a name for your advert, set a daily or lifetime budget and schedule how long you want it to run for.By default, your advert is automatically optimised to reach people within your chosen audience who are likely to click on your advert. If you want more people to see your advert to build awareness, you can choose to optimise your advert for impressions instead.

How people see your advert on Facebook

As you build your advert, you’ll get a preview of how the advert appears to someone using Facebook on a computer or mobile device. Select images for your advert, write a headline and description, and choose a Call to Action button – such as Shop Now or Learn More.

For example, you would use the Shop Now button to send customers to your online store. To view the image and copy specifications for this advert, have a look at our Adverts Guide.

And at any time, you can update or make changes to your adverts.

If you’d like to learn more about these solutions you can contact us

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